Rell Sunn Educational Fund Inc is a PUBLIC BENEFIT nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes. Specifically, this organization will';
a) educate the public about sportsmanship and the environment,
b) combat juvenile delinquency,
c) provide monies to battle breast cancer.
The Rell Sunn's Menehune Excursion
Rell Sunn Educational Fund, Surfrider and the Environment, click here
Our organization has designed and developed two programs in furtherance of out purposes.
The Rell Sunn Menehune Surf Contest
Our first program is entitled: The Rell Sunn Menehune Surf Contest. The purpose of this program is to educate the public, especially children, about sportsmanship and the environment and to combat juvenile delinquency. This contest is held every year on the beaches ofMakaha, Oahu. All children 12 years old and under are welcome to participate in the contest. The public is invited to attend free of charge. Hundreds of children statewide visit Makaha each year to attend and participate in the surf contest. Events include body board, long board, and short board, and each event is broken into age and gender categories. The entrance fee is $10 per event and each child is limited to two events. Similar contests are usually $25 to $100 per event. Each contestant receives a t-shirt with contest advertising on it, assorted surf necessities, magazines, literature for sunscreen info, literature about the dangers of the sun, environmental awareness literature, info on early cancer screening, etc. In addition to the educational literature directly given to the child, each child is encouraged to exhibit sportsmanship by cheering for every competitor, and helping retrieve lost surfboards.Each year, the child who displays the best sportsmanship is publicly honored by the organization.Additionally, this contest was developed to combat juvenile delinquency.The west side of Oahu, where this tournament is held, is rife with poverty, drugs, and crime. This event was developed to provide a safe, healthy outlet for fostering competition and as an alternative to criminal behavior. Family involvement is encouraged, and many of the contestant’s family members volunteer to help run the event. This event is held once annually and started approximately 30 years ago. Jan and Anthony Carreira will administer this program on the island of Oahu. This program will consume approximately 50% of this organization’s time.
Fighting Breast Cancer
The second program is entitled: Fighting Breast Cancer. The purposes of this program is to provide monies to organizations that conduct breast cancer research and test women for breast cancer and to educate the public in regards to cancer. It is the first high risk program of its kind in Hawaii and represents the state of the art approach found in most breast centers across the US. It gives hard evidence, stats, research and education, professional physicians and nursing, genetic, nutritional and psychological counseling. Specifically, there is a cancer wing at Kapiolani Hospital on the island of Oahu that this organization will be donating to in Rell Sunn’s name. All monies donated to the breast cancer wing will help to provide free breast cancer screenings and will help to further cancer research. Some monies will also be dedicated to educating the public about breast cancer through websites, events, literature, and hospital programs as this program grows, we may donate to other cancer prevention organizations. The recipient organization must provide similar services to Kapiolani and must exhibit tra nsparent business practices as well as efficient and effective use of donated monies so that we may ensure all distributions are made in furtherance of our stated 501c3 purposes. This program will be funded by Contest proceeds, donations, and merchandise sales. |